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Date: September 12-13, 2022

Location: UCLA Luskin Conference Center, Exploration Meeting Room (in person)

Instructor: Steve Cole, PhD, UCLA

This 2-day workshop involves one day of didactic training in concepts, strategy, and technical methods for RNA profiling, data analysis, and bioinformatics in population health and behavioral science research, followed by a second day of practical training in RNA data analysis, bioinformatics, and presentation / interpretation (using either your data or model data sets provided for the workshop). No background in genetics/genomics is required, but we do assume attendees are familiar with general methods of statistical analysis (linear models, hypothesis testing, etc.).

Please register your interest in attending before July 1, 2022. using the form through the following link. lGsOCSvTPPNooHI

Registrants will receive more information about travel, accommodations at the Luskin Center, and support in early July.

If you have any questions, please contact

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