Shah, Rahi R.; Dixon, Claudia C.; Fowler, Michael J.; Driesse, Tiffany M.; Liang, Xiaohui; Summerour, Caroline E.; Gross, Danae C.; Spangler, Hillary B.; Lynch, David H.; & Batsis, John A. (2024). Using Voice Assistant Systems to Improve Dietary Recall among Older Adults: Perspectives of Registered Dietitians. Journal of Nutrition in Gerontology and Geriatrics, 43(1), 1-13.Abstract
Dietary assessments are important clinical tools used by Registered Dietitians (RDs). Current methods pose barriers to accurately assess the nutritional intake of older adults due to age-related increases in risk for cognitive decline and more complex health histories. Our qualitative study explored whether implementing Voice assistant systems (VAS) could improve current dietary recall from the perspective of 20 RDs. RDs believed the implementing VAS in dietary assessments of older adults could potentially improve patient accuracy in reporting food intake, recalling portion sizes, and increasing patient-provider efficiency during clinic visits. RDs reported that low technology literacy in older adults could be a barrier to implementation. Our study provides a better understanding of how VAS can better meet the needs of both older adults and RDs in managing and assessing dietary intake.URL Type
Journal ArticleYear Published
2024Journal Title
Journal of Nutrition in Gerontology and GeriatricsAuthor(s)
Shah, Rahi R.Dixon, Claudia C.
Fowler, Michael J.
Driesse, Tiffany M.
Liang, Xiaohui
Summerour, Caroline E.
Gross, Danae C.
Spangler, Hillary B.
Lynch, David H.
Batsis, John A.