Shelton, Andrew D.; McTaggart, Ellora M.; Allen, Jessica L.; Mercer, Vicki S.; Crenshaw, Jeremy R.; & Franz, Jason R. (2024). Does the Effect of Walking Balance Perturbations Generalize across Contexts?. Human Movement Science, 93, 103158.Abstract
Balance perturbations are used to study locomotor instability. However, these perturbations are designed to provoke a specific context of instability that may or may not generalize to a broader understanding of falls risk. The purpose of this study was to determine if the effect of balance perturbations on instability generalizes across contexts. 29 younger adults and 28 older adults completed four experimental trials, including unperturbed walking and walking while responding to three perturbation contexts: mediolateral optical flow, treadmill-induced slips, and lateral waist-pulls. We quantified the effect of perturbations as an absolute change in margin of stability from unperturbed walking. We found significant changes in mediolateral and anteroposterior margin of stability for all perturbations compared to unperturbed walking in both cohorts (p-valuesURL Type
Journal ArticleYear Published
2024Journal Title
Human Movement ScienceAuthor(s)
Shelton, Andrew D.McTaggart, Ellora M.
Allen, Jessica L.
Mercer, Vicki S.
Crenshaw, Jeremy R.
Franz, Jason R.