Dooley, Erin E; Pompeii, Lisa A; Palta, Priya; Martinez-Amezcua, Pablo; Hornikel, Bjoern; Evenson, Kelly R; Schrack, Jennifer A; & Pettee Gabriel, Kelley (2022). Daily and Hourly Patterns of Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior of Older Adults: Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) Study. Prev Med Rep, 28, 101859. PMCID: PMC9194653Abstract
This cross-sectional study of older adultsĀURL Type
Journal ArticleYear Published
2022Journal Title
Prev Med RepAuthor(s)
Dooley, Erin EPompeii, Lisa A
Palta, Priya
Martinez-Amezcua, Pablo
Hornikel, Bjoern
Evenson, Kelly R
Schrack, Jennifer A
Pettee Gabriel, Kelley