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Dooley, Erin E; Palta, Priya; Wolff-Hughes, Dana L.; Martinez-Amezcua, Pablo; Staudenmayer, John; Troiano, Richard P.; & Pettee Gabriel, Kelley (2022). Higher 24-h Total Movement Activity Percentile Is Associated with Better Cognitive Performance in U.S. Older Adults. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 54(8), 1317-1325.


PURPOSE: This study aimed to assess the association of a wrist-worn, device-based metric of 24-h movement with cognitive function and subjective cognitive complaints among older adults, 60 yr and older.
METHODS: This is a cross-sectional analysis of the 2011-2012 and 2013-2014 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) cycles. A wrist-worn ActiGraph GT3X+ accelerometer captured total 24-h movement activity, analyzed as Monitor-Independent Movement Summary units (MIMS-units), and quantified into placement based on an age- and sex-standardized percentile. Cognitive tests in the domains of memory, language/verbal fluency, and executive performance were administered. Test-specific cognitive z -scores were generated. Subjective cognitive complaints included perceived difficulty remembering and confusion/memory loss.
RESULTS: The analytical sample included 2708 U.S. older adults (69.5 ± 0.2 yr, 55% female, 20.9% non-White). Multivariable linear regressions revealed those in quartiles 3 (50th-74th percentile) and 4 (


Reference Type

Journal Article

Year Published


Journal Title

Med Sci Sports Exerc


Dooley, Erin E
Palta, Priya
Wolff-Hughes, Dana L.
Martinez-Amezcua, Pablo
Staudenmayer, John
Troiano, Richard P.
Pettee Gabriel, Kelley